莫奔(Maurice Benayoun) ,法国先驱新媒体艺术家、理论家、策展人。
从那时起,许多新的沟通架构都被设计为对交流障碍概念的再定义。Just Dig It!让我们重温之前的隧道记忆,通过深入挖掘去打通其他已发现或被忽视的障碍的可能性,挖掘南京和香港之间的新隧道——“边界挖掘者”展览将引起我们对网络时代中对话复杂性的极大关注。”
Conversation: on a series of parallel paradoxes
Keynote Speech: Tracking the obstacles in mediated communication: digging the magic mirror
Speaker: Maurice Benayoun,
Andong Lu, Full Professor at School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University
Andrea Baldini, Associate Professor of Art Theory and Aesthetics at the Art Institute of Nanjing University
Peng Ji, Associate Professor at Department of Public art, Nanjing University of Arts
Ping Chen, Film and Theater Producer, Curator.
Jing Chen, Associate Professor at the Art Institute of Nanjing University
Time: 3-5pm, December 20, 2017
Location: Nanjing University Museum, Fine Art
Speech Abstract:
“During the first decades of digital computing and networking, the emphasis was put on the potential of the “information highways”. Everything was conceived on the model of transportation means, pipes rail and roads. The positive vision, back then, was a simplistic interpretation of the notion of progress and speed in transaction and dialogue. When I started working with VR for artistic installation (93-94) I tried at the same time to increase the potential of communication including video into VR, creating dynamic VR, spatialized music and dialogue, dynamic models… and I delayed the time of meeting between 2 continents. Instead of instant communication allowed by video conferencing technics, it took 5 days to meet. The obstacle to instant communication was not the technological limits but the cultural obstacles. Even between Paris (France) and Montreal (Canada), two locations where people speak the same language: French, visitors had to dig through the cultural obstacle. This is how the Tunnel under the Atlantic is born, between the Pompidou Centre in Paris and the Museum of Contemporary art in Montreal. Since then, many new architectures of communication have been designed redefining the notion of obstacle to communication. Just Dig It! Allows us to revisit the memory of the former tunnels. It also offers the possibility to deeply dig through other well-identified or neglected obstacles. Digging new tunnels between Nanjing and Hong Kong, Border Diggers draw our attention on the complexity of dialogue in the networked era.”——Maurice Benayoun
莫奔(Maurice Benayoun),法国先驱新媒体艺术家、理论家、策展人。其艺术作品采用视频,浸入式虚拟现实、无线技术、表演、大型城市艺术装置和互动装置等多种媒体形式,荣获多项国际大奖,曾在巴黎蓬皮杜中心和香港等地展出。
鲁安东,清华大学学士,剑桥大学硕士、博士。毕业后任教于剑桥大学,当选牛顿基金学者、剑桥大学沃夫森学院院士(Fellow)。现任南京大学建筑与城市规划学院教授、博导,《建筑学报》(英文刊)执行客座主编和英国AD客座主编。曾应邀在英国皇家建筑师学会、美国汉庭顿图书馆、牛津大学、哈佛大学、华美人文学会等做特邀讲座。他的文章发表在包括Journal of Architecture, AD, arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes在内的国际期刊上。他与François Penz共同编写了 Urban Cinematics (University of Chicago Press, 2011),与丁沃沃和Arie Graafland 共同编写了 Cities in Transition (NAi010 Press, 2015)。
白龙(Andrea Baldini),南京大学艺术研究院副教授。先后在意大利锡耶纳大学、美国天普大学取得文本学和哲学博士学位。曾任南京大学人文社会科学高级研究院波斯后项目距研究员。主要研究领域为:美学、艺术哲学与欧陆哲学。