Gabriele Goretti 助理研究员

Gabriele Goretti




  • 科研兴趣及主要研究方向(代表性论文):
  1. Architect, designer, senior researcher in product and fashion design strategy and luxury goods market at School of Arts of Nanjing University, from 2007 to 2018 at DIDA department of University of Florence.
  2. Senior researcher within joint research Labs between Academia and advanced craftsmanship SMEs. From 2010 to 2017 Professor in Fashion Design at Bachelor program in Design of University of Florence.
  3. PhD in Industrial design, Environment and History, his professional profile is focusing on relationships between design strategies and advanced manufacturing processes. Moreover his research is focusing on product values communication through design-driven innovation based on technology innovation and traceability.
  4. Academic coordinator at Fashion design department of IED-Istituto Europeo di Design in Florence from 2014 to march 2018.
  • 过去5年内发表的论文、期刊及专著:
  1. Goretti G. (2018), Cianfanelli E., Tufarelli M., Reverse Engineering and Digital Archives as a Resource for Practical Craft-Based Manufacturing, Process, in W. Karwowski et al. (Eds.):AHFE proceedings Orlando (USA).
  2. Goretti G. (2018), Cianfanelli E., Crescienzi P., Tufarelli M., Playful Learning for Kids with SpecialEducational Needs, in S. Bagnara et al. (Eds.): IEA 2018 Conference proceedings, Florence (Italy).
  3. Goretti G. (2017), Cianfanelli E., Corbetta L, Pelosini L, Malpelo M.. SAM - Simulation Airways Models, in The design Journal., routledg, ISBN: 9781138090231, EAD Design for Next Conference proceeedings Rome (Italy) April 2017, doi: 10.1080/14606925.2017.1352758 –A&HCI   
  4. Goretti G. (2017), Cianfanelli E., TXD. From traceability to experience design in fashion accessories production, in The  Design journal., routledg, ISBN: 9781138090231, EAD Design for Next Conference proceeedings Rome (Italy) April 2017, doi:10.1080/14606925.2017.1352912 – A&HCI   
  5. Goretti G (2017). Advanced Craftsmanship - Maestria Avanzata. Percorsi di progetto tra innovazione e tradizione artigianale nei sistemi manifatturieri toscani . vol. 1, Aracne, Rome (Italy), ISBN 9788825509618
  6. G. Goretti (2016), E. Cianfanelli M. Tufarelli, R. Aiello. Involucri digitali del Patrimonio Culturale. MD JOURNAL, ISSN 2531-9477
  7. Goretti G. (UNIFI) (2016), Fry A. (The New School - Parons New York), Ladhib S. (The New School – Parons New York), Cianfanelli E. (UNIFI), Overby C. (The New School - Par,ons New York), Advanced Craft, integrated with the Saper Fare; the role of Intangible value, and the centrality of the artisan in high-quality 21st Century Artisanship, in Cuaderno Journal, Emerging Processes in Design Practice and Design Education, University of Palermo Buenos Aires (Argentina) ISSN 1668-0227
  8. Goretti G (2016), Overby C., Cianfanelli E., Savoir Faire and Innovation: place-based design heritage in undergraduate education. Cumulus Conference- In this Place proceedings. Trent University Nottigham (UK), ISBN 978-0-9928878-1-0
  9. Goretti G. (2015), Cianfanelli E., Aiello R., Baccolini R., UX designers education and practice: making designer as topic connectors to enhance intrinsic complex values of made in Italy craftsmanship. e.craft joint lab case history at, in Collina L., Galluzzo L., Meroni A., The Vituous Circle Design Culture and Experimentation, McGraw-Hill Education Italy, Milan (Italy), ISBN 9788838694059 – Comulus Conference -The Virtuous Circle proceedings
  10. Goretti G. (2015), Cianfanelli E. Aiello R., Baccolini R., RED4MART. Reverse engineering for manufacturing digital archive to enhance advanced craftsmanship know-how and high-end manufacturing values, in Collina L. Galluzzo L., Meroni A., The Vituous Circle Design Culture and Experimentation, McGraw-Hill Education Italy, Milan (Italy), ISBN 9788838694059 – Comulus Conference - The Virtuous Circle proceedings
  11. Goretti G (2014), Cianfanelli E., Shaping Emotions for product design, Altralinea-Florence (Italy), ISBN 978-88-98743-36-0
  12. Goretti G. (2014), Interactive Design for advanced manufacturing processes in traditional artisanal disciplines, in De Paoli G., ElKoury N., Mobility & Design, Paris (France) 2014 ISBN 9791090094130
  13. Goretti G. (2013), Cianfanelli E., Baccolini R., Sweet, Quick & Unique, Polistampa, Florence (Italy) , ISBN: 9788859610885
  14. Goretti G. (2013). Interazione ludica, tra dinamiche screen-based e product-based. In Cianfanelli E., Goretti G, Baccolini R., Merenda M., Playful Interaction design., Polistampa, Florence (Italy) ISBN: 9788859610922


  • Bachelor program in Fashion Design at IED Istituto Europeo di Design
  1. 2016- Shoes and accessories design for Tod’s (Italian Leading brand in shoes and accessories) (12 students)
  2. 2017- shoes and accessories design for Furla (Italian Leading brand in shoes and accessories) (9 students)
  • Bachelor program in Industrial Design – University of Florence

  1. 2016/2017 Martina Grillo – Ricamo 4.0. Sistemi di artigianalità avanzata per il ricamo moda.
  2. 2016/2017 Francesca Torielli – metamorphic lights
  3. 2015/2016 Federico Zulian - Studio di design di Portadocumenti Panerai come strategia per la differenziazione dei settori produttivi dell’azienda -
  4. 2015/2016 Maria Luisa Malpelo e Lorenzo Pelosini - SAM - Modelli per la simulazione delle vie aeree
  5. 2015/2016 Matteo Pucci - Forme dall’acqua
  6. 2015/2016 Simone Nudi – Redwave, Imbarcazione di salvataggio ad uso costiero
  7. 2015/2016 Giada Balli - L’ eclettismo italiano in una borsa
  8. 2015/2016 Alberto Maisano - Un mito italiano. La Graziella.
  9. 2015/2016 Rocco Collazzo - Oltre il lusso, una vision culturale su un prodotto di alta gamma
  10. 2015/2016 Sabrina Ferrali - “Il colore irrompe nella materia” Contrasti fra staticità e movimento Concept di una collezione di vasi in cristallo con applicazione di vernici sensibili
  11. 2015/2016 Edoardo Soderi - Emozioni luminose. Sinergie tra cristallerie e sistemi illuminotecnici
  12. 2015/2016 Serena Correale - Il caleidoscopio in una borsa: giochi di colori, geometrie e riflessioni per la donna del XXI secolo.
  13. 2015/2016 Eleonora Grandi - “La modernità del gioiello etrusco” Un gioiello contemporaneo fra arte orafa etrusca e design.
  14. 2015/2016 Hanxue Song - Jia Ju per l’Italia (furniture design in between Italian and Chinese design culture)
  15. 2014/2015 Michele Bettazzi - Progettazione di un veicolo fuoristrada ad alte prestazioni.
  16. 2014/2015 Francesco Prodomo - Convogliatore di Acqua Piovana con Impianto Microeolico.
  17. 2014/2015 Giacomo Nanni - Alta Gamma e Culture Emergenti Nuovi modelli di alta artigianalità per i brand di moda.
  18. 2014/2015 Massimo Tognaccini - “User centered craftmanship” Sistemi di design per il prodotto personalizzato di alta gamma.
  19. 2014/2015 Margherita Paci e Federico Isaia- Villa italiana: nuovi modelli di business design-based.
  20. 2014/2015 Eleonora Grandi- “Un gioiello fra storia e design”.
  21. 2014/2015 Massimo Tognaccini - “User centered craftmanship” Sistemi di interaction design per il prodotto di alta gamma personalizzato.
  22. 2014/2015 Lucia Calabrese Crescenzo - In Capo al mondo. Cloche tecnologica da viaggio
  23. 2014/2015 Claudia Cassina - TITO: La nuova scarpetta d’arrampicata
  24. 2014/2015 Simge Bingeli - Fiore di luce
  25. 2014/2015 2013/2014 Mattia Andreozzi, Audace. The Italian supercar
  26. 2014/2015 Irene Bastieri, Alta velocità. Smart seat.
  27. 2014/2015 Emanuele Biondi, Un’altra via dell’olio extravergine d’ oliva
  28. 2014/2015 Emanuele Bitossi, Lancia Aurelia B24 Calafuria
  29. 2014/2015 Wenxuan Jin, Portabicicletta domestico.
  30. 2014/2015 Martina Pancani, Contenere la quotidianità.
  31. 2014/2015 Francesca Pettazzi, Redy. Quando il sangue si fa troppo dolce.
  32. 2014/2015 Elia Pizzoni, Bâdir, narghilè di alta gamma. Maestria fiorentina e cultura Araba.
  33. 2014/2015 Mehdi Mohammad Shahandehpour, Mise en place pour le caviar.
  34. 2014/2015 Violetta Spagnolo, Flying sink degign for all, lavabo ad altezza variabile.
  35. 2014/2015 Yirui Sun, Accessori per bicicletta.
  36. 2014/2015 Fiorella Todaro, Il futuro del prodotto italiano.
  37. 2014/2015 Viola Trovatelli, Comunicare la ricerca scientifica.
  38. 2014/2015 PHD thesis co-tutoring
  39. 2014-2016 Ramona Aiello – E.craft research within joint lab with


  1. Rethinking the renaissance – Florence and Milan trip (Italy)
  2. Nanjing University School of Arts
  3. Within Fashion Design Course – IED Istituto Europeo di Design
  4. Visit to shoes making supply chain - Florence Area
  5. Within IED International vocational programs – IED Istituto Europeo di Design
  6. Fashion program: visit to Fondazione Lisio Florence (fabrics historical archive), visit to historical leather craftsmanship workshops (Florence), visit to leather tanning supply chain (Tuscany area).
  7. Jewellery program: visit to jewellery and fashion metal engineering supply chain in Arezzo (Italy)
  8. Within Master in Fashion Business– IED Istituto Europeo di Design
  9. Visit to Pitti Uomo fashion fair (Florence) and Milan fashion week.
  10. Within Fashion Design Course – Fashion Design Course University of Florence
  11. Visit to shoes and accessories making supply chain -Florence Area
  12. Visit to Pitti Filati fair (textile fair) – Florence


2017 – Research activity ‘From Design to Product’ for Tuscany Region (Italy) about high-end furniture design in Tuscany manufacturing districts. Supported by Tuscany Region/Sistema Sviluppo Toscana. Work titile: Scientific coordinator

2017 – Research activity ‘Contaminazioni Creative’ for Municipality of Florence (Italy) about high-end furniture design in Tuscany manufacturing districts. Supported by Municipality of Florence. Work titile: Scientific coordinator

2016- Workshop at Zhongkai University of Guangzhou about design strategies for luxury furniture highlighting on Chinese cultural references.

2015-2017 – IED ambassador, developing international agreements in between IED Istituto Europeo di Design (Italy) and international universities.

2016-17 Research activity at DIDA Department/Design Campus - University of Florence.

Research activity topic: Experience design. Scenario-based design as a strategic methodologies to highlight design strategies and new research boundaries for “made in Italy” product. Work titile: Post-doc reseacrher

2014 Parallelo SRL and University of Florence 3D Scanning and 3D models of Statues of Tribuna de’ Medici – Uffizi Museum Florence Virtual 3D visualization and navigation within the Museum spaces. Work titile: Post-doc reseacrher

2013Magnetic Days project – between University of Florence and ORF SRL company (Tuscany) Technological transfer from jewellery production to mechanic equipment for cycling professional training, setting a communication design and interaction design strategy as feedback from the trainer to the athletes. Within EU Commission PORCREO research funding – specialized consulting services for SMEs. Work titile: Post-doc researcher/project coordinator

2011-13  University of Florence (Italy)

Project coordinator of joint Labs between University/SMEs companies enhancing design driven entrepreneurship:

- about reverse engineering, interaction design and advanced manufacturing:

RED design Lab -  University of Florence/Baldi SPA-;

Digital archives and interaction design for bronzes and crystal manufacturing

Project development in partnership with Galleria Palatina Museum/Palazzo Pitti (Florence)

RED4MART Lab -  University of Florence/Savio Firmino SNC –;

Digital archives for accessories in wood;

- about ecommerce fashion websites and interaction with craftsmanship:

E-CRAFT lab - University of Florence/

Enhancing SME’s craftsmanship through experiential e-commerce strategy;

- about design, genius loci and user experience:

Italian Genius Lab – University of Florence/Cluev (Moscow) -

Enhancing design awareness and interaction design through “genius loci” values

Project development inspired by Galleria Palatina Museum/Palazzo Pitti (Florence).

- about packaging design:

Packed In Italy lab, about smart packaging design –– established by University of Florence and Comieco (Italian recycling paper consortium) -

2007-16 Research activity at DIDA Department/Design Campus - University of Florence. fellowResearch activity topic: Advanced Craftsmanship: design research on product design and fashion design.Research about design and communication strategies for advanced high-end manufacturing. Work titile: researcher fellow

2010    Italia. Experience in interaction research

University of Florence (Italy) and TU/e Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (The Netherlands)

Supported by Chamber of Commerce of Prato (Italy). Interaction in wearable product in partnership with textile companies of Prato district (i.e.Furpile SRL, Milior SRL, Aedon SRL)


  1. Prato (Italy) - Museo del Tessuto – September 2010
  2. Montreal (Canada) – Fashion Week – October 2010
  3. 2007  RTM - Right Trough Making – ethics in design. University of Florence –Tecnische Universiteit Eindhoven (The Netherlands)Product design, fashion design, interaction design
  4. 2007-08 Province of Florence Fashion Manufacturing Department (Assessorato Moda)
  5. Grant researcher about strategic planning for fashion manufacturing districts of Tuscany
  6. Research relations with fashion manufacturing and multinational brands (i.e. Mattel USA)



Dassault System “Best Research Partner”

About involving advanced technology in the supply chain through a design-driven perspective.


Sit-in Florence award about the organization of Sit-in Florence event, developing new chair concepts enhancing

craftsmanship values in partnership with IKEA. Supported by Chamber of Commerce of Florence (Italy).


Within Assessorato Moda – Province of Florence and University of Florence:

Pure sign, design experienced in Florence – Milan Design week 2007

Pensato e Fatto in Firenze – Palazzo Medici Riccardi Florence (Italy) 2007

Arianna – the embroidery myth of the Province of Florence – Palazzo Medici Riccardi Florence (Italy) 2007

Prima res – fashion show at Palazzo Strozzi Florence (Italy) 2008

Toscana d’Amare a Palazzo – fashion show at Palazzo Medici Riccardi Florence (Italy) 2008

Barbie a Corte – Barbie dreams Caterina de’Medici – sponsored by Mattel (USA) at Palazzo Medici Riccardi (Florence)

University of Florence and Chamber of Commerce of Prato

Italia Experience in Interaction – Prato (italy) and Montreal (Canada) 2010

Blog Bag at Fashion Technology Summit – Florence (Italy) 2014

Baldi company stand within RED joit lab academia-industry at Abitare il Tempo Verona (Italy) 2014

Within IED Istituto Europeo di Design – Florence:

Eco-Ego – exhibition about the Green Carpet Award outfits – Florence (Italy) within Pitti Uomo Fair 2017

Lindsay Kemp dreams @ Museo 900 – Florence (Italy) 2017

Contaminazioni - Craftamanship cross fertilizations among artisans from different sectors at Palazzo Davanzati Florence (Italy) 2018


  1. From Baldi joint lab Academia-Industry:
  2. Joy collection – Abitare il Tempo Verona (Italy) 2013
  3. Joy light collection – Milan Design Week 2015
  4. Blogbags prototypes at Fashion Technology Summit – Palazzo Vecchio, Florence (Italy) 20014


- History of Western Design(西方设计史)

The course focuses on history of Western Design, from the middle Age, through the industrial revolution and avant-guard movements, to contemporary design context. The students learn how to define the different design movements and how to relate the historical design pieces to the contemporary scenario.

- Culture of Fashion and Luxury(时尚与奢侈品文化)

The course highlight on relations in between history, artistic movements and fashion developments from late XIX century to contemporary scenario. The students will develop research skills about understanding and deepening on transdisciplinary topics related to history of fashion and luxury, involve art, design processes, craftsmanship and business models.

- Fashion Design studio(时尚设计工作坊)

the course aim at developing specific design strategy skiils aiming a interpreting the contemporary fashion and design scenario. The students are trained in defining a proper design strategy involving tangible and intangible aspects of design, developing skills in relating to technical aspect of design and being able to develop study prototypes (using sample materials, 3D printing or other supportive technologies).