Associate Professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory, School of Arts of Nanjing University. His main research interest is philosophy of art, aesthetics and visual culture, especially at their intersection with applied ethics, social and political philosophy, public policy, and urban communication. He is interested in how artistic and creative gestures imbue public space with value(s), shaping and reshaping its uses and functions.
序号 | 参加人(老师) | 会议(活动)名称 | 时间 | 地点((国家)+城市+机构) | 是否发言(如有发言,需要填写发言稿的名称) |
1 INVITED TALKS (受邀请做演讲) | event related to theDesign Week, in collaboration with the Institute of Italian Culture in Beijing | March 3, 2017 | Qinghua Art Museum, Qinghua University, Beijing | Tell Me Where It Comes From, and I’ll Tell You What It Is | |
2 | event related to the Design Week, in collaboration with the Institute of Italian Culture in Shanghai | March 2, 2017 | Sino-Italian Campus, Tongji University, Shanghai | Tell Me Where It Comes From, and I’ll Tell You What It Is | |
3 | eventrelated to the Design Week, in collaboration with the Institute of Italian Culture in Shanghai | March 1, 2017 | Department of Art and Design, South-East University, Nanjing, | Can Design Be Art? | |
4 | November 11, 2016 | Temple University, Philadelphia, | Street Art in Da House: Museums and Pluralism in the 21st Century | ||
5 | November 7, 2016 | College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, | Philosophizing about Eating Food as Public Art: Some Conceptual Puzzles | ||
6 | November 4, 2016 | Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, | A New Dawn: Conceptual Innovations in Contemporary Italian Street Art, Graffiti, and Post-Graffitism | ||
7 | November 3, 2016 | Shanghai Art Fair, Shanghai, | From the Walls of Pompei to the City Train: Past, Present, and Future of Italian Muralism | ||
8 | May 25, 2016 | Wuxi Museum of Art, Wuxi, | Between Scylla and Charybdis: Abstraction and Representation in Contemporary Italian Art | ||
9 | Lecture for the Inauguration of "New Ways of Seeing," | December 4, 2015 | Nanjing University, Xianlin Campus, | Caution, Wet Paint: Experimentations in Italian Art from the 1950s to Today | |
10 | Symposium on Tomaso Montanari’s “Istruzioni per l’uso del futuro. Il patrimonio culturalee la democrazia che verrà", | July 28, 2015 | Massa (ITALY), | Culture, Art, and Democracy: A Discussion of Tomaso Montanari’s latest book | |
CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 参加国际会议 1 | with Andrea Borghini | Post-Internet Cities Conference, | May 27, 2017 | Lisbon (PORTUGAL), | 是,There and Back Again: Redistributing Visibility between the Virtual and Real Alleys of Graffiti” |
2 | with Andrea Borghini | Self: Between Consciousness and Non-Being International Conference, | May 13-14, 2017 | Hokkaido, Japan | “Anonymous, Collective, and Polyphonic: The Creative Subject in 21st Century Graffiti andStreet Art”, |
3 | The Aesthetics of Perfection and Imperfection Conference, | April 15-16, 2017 | Tokyo, | “Bombing the City: Tags, Graffiti, and the Political Significance of Imperfection in Urban Aesthetics”, | |
4 | ASA Pacific Meeting, | April 4-7, 2016 | Asilomar Conference Center, Monterey (USA), | “Spray Paint and Laws: On the Differences between Legal and Aesthetic Judgment in the Contextof 21st Century Street Art and Graffiti”, | |
5 | International Seminar | March 30, 2017 | Bologna (ITALY), | “Tags nel paese di mezzo: La rappresentazione dello spazio pubblico cinese nei video sui graffiti”[Tags in the Middle Kingdom: The Representation of Chinese Public Space in videos on Graffiti]Visioni Urbane. Beyond the Ideal City. Spazio pubblico e narrazioni urbane attraversoil mezzo cinematografico | |
6 | with Dr Pamela Pietrucci | NCA 102nd Annual Convention – Urban Communication Foundation | November 10-13, 2016 | Philadelphia | Knitting a Community Back Together: Post-Disaster Public Art as CitizenshipEngagement |
7 | 20th International Congress for Aesthetics | July 24-29, 2016 | Seoul | Chaining Walls of Freedom? Street Art and Museums in the Era of Mass Art | |
8 | with Dr Pamela Pietrucci | ICA Young Scholars Preconference “Communicating the Power of Visuals,” | June 9 2016 | KyushuSangyo University, Fukuoka | Pebbles and Beads: Re-Appropriating Post-Earthquake L’Aquila with Street Art |
9 | ASA Eastern Division Meeting | April 15-16, 2016 | Philadelphia | Subversive Walls | |
10 | Street Art. Contours et Détours | September 24-26, 2015 | Nice (FRANCE) | When the Silent Concrete Turns into a Carnival of Color: Street Art as a Strategy of SocialResistance against Corporate Control of Visibility | |
11 | 5th Annual Conference of the Royal Musical Association Music and Philosophy StudyGroup | July 17-18, 2015 | London | Silence, Musical Form, and the Japanese Notion of Ma: An Essay in Global Aesthetics | |
12 | “Probing Misunderstanding” International Conference | 2-3 July, 2015 | Liège (BELGIUM) | Misusing and Misunderstanding Public Spaces: Street Art and Its Challenge to the CorporateRegime of Visibility | |
13 | Dubrovnik Conference on the Philosophy of Art | 20-24 April, 2015 | Dubrovnik (CROATIA) | Challenging the Second Dogma of Neo-Kantian Aesthetics: On the Social Dimension of PublicArt Appreciation | |
PROPOSED PANELS 1提出议题 | co-organized with Dr Angela Condello, with Prof. Gianmaria Ajani; Prof. TizianaAndina; and Prof Maurizio Ferraris | Art & Law | April 4-7, 2017 | ASA Pacific Meeting, Asilomar Conference Center | |
COMMENTS 1评论 | William P. Seeley and Catherine A. Buell | April 4-7, 2017 | ASA Pacific Meeting, Asilomar Conference Center | A Question of Artistic Style: Digital Image Analysisand the Classification of Paintings |