
Fashion Design Course

Through a dedicated design laboratory, Nanjing University/School of Arts aims at investigating on this relation through cultural cross-fertilizations in between Italian and Chinese cultural contexts, both based on globally important manufacturing know-how and art and craftsmanship heritage. The Lab research is developed according to the following action points:

 1) Foundation research on specific Chinese Cultural issue and case histories. The case studies refer in particular to the traditional craftsmanship processes and artifacts diffuses among the Chinese regions and ethnic groups. The lab participants are grouped in different thematic research teams;

2) The research team focuses on this specific topics highlighting on strengths and weakness of the analyzed traditional topics according to contemporary design instances and lifestyles;

3) Each research team develops a specific analysis on Western design case histories able to transfer into contemporary high-end design relevant cultural references, through advanced manufacturing processes and emotional design concepts;

4) From the analysis of relevant international case histories, the research teams highlight on specific design process map and design thinking frameworks that could represent a significant compass to develop a consistent relation in between Chinese cultural heritage (i.e. high-end craftsmanship) and contemporary design instances.

5) Then, the Lab defines specific design-driven innovation strategies for selected Chinese Cultural heritage case studies, aiming at including new meanings and redesigned aesthetics for significant tangible and intangible values of Chinese Culture.

DSCH research starts from the assumption of setting significant commonalities among China and specific Western Design case histories in term of manufacturing know-how and importance of Cultural Heritage – i.e. Italian high-end manufacturing and design processes. The project enhance on possible common key values in comparing International cross disciplinary design case-studies – in between traditional art and craft and contemporary design trends - and the Chinese emerging creative processes, as a new design-driven innovation platform for historical traditions in art and manufacturing. In particular, the research highlights on how Cultural Heritage could represent a strategic cluster of values for contemporary design, according to contemporary lifestyle and high-end market trends.